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Links or HyperLinks

HyperLinks are basically pointers to other information on the World Wide Web. The other sites might be a file in the same directory, in Japan or anywhere in the world. The syntax varies a little depending on what kind of connection is required to visit the proposed site.

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL, basically, is a way to tell your web browser (or other program) where to look for something. If you wanted to make a hypertext link to a page, you would need its URL.

For Example: the URL for TRIO is http://www.usd.edu/trio
To make the actual link to this page, you would see something like this:
TRIO, which is accomplished with the following HTML code.

<a Href="http://www.usd.edu/trio">TRIO</a>
These are the color attributes you can have within the BODY tag itself to differentiate between the following
BGCOLORIndicates the background color
TEXTColor of displayed text
LINK Color of an hyperlink within the page
VLINK Color of visited hyperlink
ALINK Color of hyperlink when clicked on or select

Example of setting an anchor
<a name="example">Example of setting an anchor</a>
defines a target location within a current document
Example Anchor: top of page
<a href="#top">Example Anchor</a>
takes you to top of current page
Example Anchor: Example above
<a href="#example">Example above</a>
takes you to defining anchors above
Example Index: Start
<a href="index.shtml">Start</a>
takes you to the beginning of this tutorial
WWW example:USD Home
<a href="http://www.usd.edu">USD Home</a>
takes you to USD's home page
Mail example:Send me a comment
<a href="mailto:trio@usd.edu">Send me a comment</a>
invokes the e-mail portion of your browser
Gopher example:Gopher at USD
<a href="gopher://sunbird.usd.edu/">Gopher at USD</a>
visits USD's gopher site
Example telnet: Telnet to USD
<a href="telnet://sunburst.usd.edu">Telnet to USD</a>
visits a telnet site - requires telnet client software
Example news group: puzzles newsgroup
<a href="news:rec.puzzles">puzzles newsgroup</a>
visits a newsgroup

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last modified December 09, 2011 30596