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Formatting Tags

Line Break

< BR >
Adds a carriage return. The text continues on the next line.

This is an example of a line break at the end of the line. <BR>
As you can see the text continues at the beginning of the next line with no extra spaces.

Paragraph Break

< p align=# > ... </p>
Formats the alignment of a paragraph where #= {left, right, center}. When used by itself, it is not necessary to have the corresponding ending command. The paragraph command will add a blank line between paragraphs.

Paragraph 1<p>Paragraph 2

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

<p align=left>This is aligned to the left</p>

This is aligned to the left

<p align=center>This is centered</p>

This is centered

<P ALIGN = RIGHT>This is aligned to the right</P>

This is aligned to the right

No Break

< NOBR >
This feature is set to allow someone to force the width of a page that is displayed. If the line of text is wider than your current window there will be a scroll bar on the bottom.


< center > ... < /center >
This command will horizontally center the enclosed code within the current borders of the window. If this is inside of a code that has moved the left margin over, it will center from this margin to the right side of the screen.

<center>This is centered on the screen</center>

This is centered on the screen


< Blockquote > ...</ Blockquote >
If you wish to indent a body of text, like a longer quotation, you can format it using the Blockquote.

<BLOCKQUOTE>This is block indented.</BLOCKQUOTE>

This is block indented.


< !-- ... >
Comments are a way for programmers to write notes to themselves or to others that might be looking at the code. It is much like the REM (Remark) statement in a basic program. There are times (especially if there are new commands) that it is a good idea to leave instruction as to the location of a file or the techniques used to obtain a rather difficult command. Again, the comments do not show up when being displayed.

The comments are not displayed in the browser.

<!-- I need to remember to update >

and it doesn't show up on the browser

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last modified February 01, 2006 41955